Is there an actual point to Spammers? Apart from being
I run a popular group on Facebook that has over 500 members.
Collectively we provide local information and parenting knowledge to the
I set the group up when R was born mainly to make some new
mummy friends because I knew no one where I live (except the In Laws) but also
to help other Mums in my town be educated with information I never had access
to when I had R.
Now it is thriving with 532 members at my last count but
this has also left me wide open to ‘Spammers’, People adding adverts for loans
and scams.
The group is ‘Closed’ which actually only means you can be
added by an exsiting member or at the approval of the Admin team. I have no
idea how they get in. I have a tight group of Admins that would not let anyone
with a dodgy looking name in but somehow they sneak in under the many loopholes
of Facebook and cause me a headache! Even more annoying is they can hide from
Admins which means I don’t even know they’re there. Luckily, I have a very good
group of friends who inform me.
So why SPAM?
It’s highly annoying and means extra ‘work’ for me as I have
to enroll someone else to get rid of them. I wouldn’t mind but I don’t get paid
to run the group. Its hard work enough trying to keep 500 women in line, let
alone sort something out that I can’t even see!
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